The Curious Savage - March 2015
Directed by Kate Murphy
Produced by Lynn Wilde Concannon
Directed by Kate Murphy
Produced by Lynn Wilde Concannon
The Cast List
The Guests
Florence -Lynn Hoseney
Hannibal - Brad Rondeau
Fairy May - Kathi Aron
Jeff - Ruben Barrera
Mrs. Paddy -Lynn Wilde Concannon
The Family
Titus Savage - Fred Kahle
Samantha Savage - Lesley Erickson
Lily Belle Savage - Josie Lapczynski
Ethel Savage - Laura Mandernack
The Staff
Dr. Emmett - Andrew Wickham
Miss Willie - Jill Saxton
The Guests
Florence -Lynn Hoseney
Hannibal - Brad Rondeau
Fairy May - Kathi Aron
Jeff - Ruben Barrera
Mrs. Paddy -Lynn Wilde Concannon
The Family
Titus Savage - Fred Kahle
Samantha Savage - Lesley Erickson
Lily Belle Savage - Josie Lapczynski
Ethel Savage - Laura Mandernack
The Staff
Dr. Emmett - Andrew Wickham
Miss Willie - Jill Saxton